Why everyone should have acupuncture Most patients try acupuncture as a last resort when they have failed to get relief from conventional medicine and other complementary therapies. Despite providing excellent results for a wide range of conditions, acupuncture is often overlooked for one single reason: “I'm scared of needles.” Guess what? Me too! I hate needles. I dread having blood tests or vaccinations and I hope to never ever need an IV in my hand. But acupuncture needles are not needles as we know them; they are nothing like injection needles or sewing needles. They are teeny tiny and soft enough to bend. Before I had my first treatment, I assumed it did not hurt others but would hurt me. I was proved wrong. Most times you don't feel anything at all and sometimes you might feel a small pinch for a second. Almost everyone drifts off to a lovely snooze during treatment and leaves blissfully relaxed. Now that you know there is no reason to factor in needles in your decision, here are four common “side-effects” of acupuncture that should encourage you to give it a chance: 1. You'll sleep better. Insomnia is one of the common complaints seen in clinic, and acupuncture can be highly effective at resolving it. But even if you’re not someone who struggles with sleep, you may still notice yourself sleeping more deeply, waking less during the night, or feeling more rested in the morning. 2. Your digestion will improve. Digestion is big in acupuncture. The meridians that regulate digestion are connected to all other structures and functions throughout the body, and a person’s digestive health says a lot about his or her overall state of health. This is why regardless of your main complaint, you might notice your bowel habits becoming more regular, and you’ll feel less bloated after meals and will experience fewer food cravings. 3. You'll be less stressed out Many people don't feel that they are stressed. They’ve gotten so used to living with a certain level of stress that it has become their “normal”. By evening out our moods, acupuncture makes us less affected by the stressful aspects of our lives and better at managing them. It’s only in the absence of stress that you notice how stressed out you were to begin with. 4. You'll have more energy Although it’s common to find yourself in a blissfully relaxed state after your acupuncture treatment, the after effect is usually increased energy. You may notice that you’re less tired during the day that you're avoiding that post-lunch coma and feeling more motivated to go out for a walk or hit the gym. If you haven’t tried acupuncture yet because you've been put off by needles and are now curious, we'd be happy to tell you more and answer any questions you may have.
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AuthorNiamh Muldowney, owner, Anam Mai Acupuncture Archives
June 2016
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Clinic DetailsThe Treatment Room, CityNorth Hotel, Gormanston, Co. Meath
Copyright © 2022 - Niamh Muldowney, Lic. Ac., Cert Nanjing, Dip. Ac., Dip. BM, MAFPA |
What our Clients have to say....Karen, DublinI’d like to thank Niamh for all her treatment and care during my last pregnancy. I came to Niamh requesting help to keep my blood pressure down because on my previous pregnancies I was on medication for BP which I wanted to avoid on my third pregnancy. Niamh treated me on a regular basis and I avoided medication and high BP issues. I also had 2 previous inductions and I really wanted to avoid a third induction. Niamh started pre-induction treatment a few weeks before my due date and then worked up to the full induction the week of my due date and I was delighted when I started labour myself 3 days after my due date and baby was born soon after that. Niamh did a great job and gave me the outcome that I wanted. I’d highly recommend Niamh because she is friendly, approachable, very professional and thrives to achieve the best treatment for her clients.