Facial Rejuvination Acupuncture is not the latest fad or new thing on the market. It has, in fact, been practiced in China for thousands of years. It is Acupuncture on points to the face to stimulate the meridians and therefore improve muscle tone and skin contractions, this in turn helps eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment also reduces the sagging jowls and helps eliminate puffiness by improving metabolism. The skin circulation is greatly improved and this helps even out colour tone and tightens the pores. As the treatment is totally natural and is working with the body's own energy, you will feel revitalised all over and your general sense of well being will be improved. This is a fantastic alternative to medical and chemical treatments.
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AuthorNiamh Muldowney, owner, Anam Mai Acupuncture Archives
June 2016
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Clinic DetailsThe Treatment Room, CityNorth Hotel, Gormanston, Co. Meath
Copyright © 2022 - Niamh Muldowney, Lic. Ac., Cert Nanjing, Dip. Ac., Dip. BM, MAFPA |
What our Clients have to say....Karen, DublinI’d like to thank Niamh for all her treatment and care during my last pregnancy. I came to Niamh requesting help to keep my blood pressure down because on my previous pregnancies I was on medication for BP which I wanted to avoid on my third pregnancy. Niamh treated me on a regular basis and I avoided medication and high BP issues. I also had 2 previous inductions and I really wanted to avoid a third induction. Niamh started pre-induction treatment a few weeks before my due date and then worked up to the full induction the week of my due date and I was delighted when I started labour myself 3 days after my due date and baby was born soon after that. Niamh did a great job and gave me the outcome that I wanted. I’d highly recommend Niamh because she is friendly, approachable, very professional and thrives to achieve the best treatment for her clients.